Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

From The Starting Point Until Now

I actually used to write in a journal. One that I keep at home. I'd grab my pen and go to town at least twice a week. Then, life got so hectic. I was already raising two kids, and a husband, working in corporate america as a Network Operations Specialist (new term for technician or engineer) then got this bright idea (from my husband) that I should do what it is I really want to do in life. So, I started writing my first book, researched the industry, started my publishing company, and quit my day job in corporate america. After 9 years! And so far, I have no regrets. Anyway, I forgot all about my journal. It's much quicker and easier to type. So, I'm glad to have this web log. When I started my journey, coming up with a title was difficult, but coming up with a pen name was even harder! Stormy is a nickname for Wendy. It was given to me years ago when a group of guys from the Pentagon thought my name was Windy (notice the I) and started associating my name with the weather. I started to use Wendy Steele, but I thought it didn't sound catchy enough. There's Wendy Robinson, and Wendy Williams. I wanted something that would stand out. We took a family vote and decided "Stormy Steele" would be the name to capture reader's attention more. And it did.

Fast Forward...

I studied the book industry for two years. Hard to believe you can find so much free information online. I chose "Behind The Screen" as my first novel, because of my online dating experiences. Some of it is based on real life situations, and some of it is made up. I'm still in awe as to how well my first novel has taken off! I remember thinking the hardest part would be getting it into the bookstores, but that was the easiest part! Unlike most self-published authors, my book is still selling in Barnes & Noble, Borders, and other major bookstores one year later! All of my touring with book signings, conventions, workshops, and panels has paid off. I now have an agent so that I can go mainstream! That's another thing... I thought the hardest part in going mainstream or trying to find a traditional publisher would be trying to find an agent. That too was the easiest part! So, I'm counting my blessings everyday and praying for a book deal soon.


  • At 6:57 AM, Blogger Cherlyn Michaels said…

    Wow! You are AWESOME!!! With your talent and drive, I have no doubt that it will take you no time at all to land a publishing deal! Many continued blessings to you!


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