Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I Just Love A Good Book!

Oh how I loooove to read! Good books that is. One with a good plot. One that has a message. I just finished reading Pearl Cleage's I wish I Had A Red Dress. Now, I love Ms. Cleage, very sweet person, but I read Some Things I Never Thought I'd Do, and just couldn't get into it. So, that being the first book that I'd ever read by Ms. Cleage, I didn't think I would be buying another one too soon. When I went to her release party, I was hoping to buy What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day, because that's what everyone was raving about at the time. When I told people that I was going to her book release party (Sign-n-Dine event) my cousin desperately tried to go with me, but couldn't get off from work in time. He went on and on about what a fantastic writer she is. The bookseller there didn't have that title, so I went with the most current one, excited, then let down because when I read it I couldn't see what all the hoopla was. My cousin later said that wasn't her best one. Anyway, when I was exhibiting at the South Carolina's Book Festival I decided to give her another chance and bought I Wish I Had A Red Dress. I am so glad I did! That book turned my perception around! Red Dress is actually a sequel to What Looks Like Crazy, so now I know I have to get this one! The story is about a woman who runs a non-profit organization for young unwed mothers. She's trying to save the world (starting with teen pregnancy), yet doesn't take any time out for herself. Since her husband died five years ago, she's forgotten all about taking care of her own needs. It started off kind of slow for me, but it was a great story! Once I got into it, I could barely put it down.
I give it four and a 1/2 stars.

I read all kinds of books from all kinds of genres. Contemporary fiction/relationships(which is what I write), mystery, drama and suspense (which I also write), self-help books like finance, medical thrillers, legal thrillers, I read A LOT! :) Authors from J. California Cooper (my favorite)John Grisham, Robin Cook, Mary Higgins-Clark, Mary Monroe, and the list goes on and on. One thing that some authors don't realize is if you're going to write, you must read. That is, if you're going to be any good at your craft. I think that's one reason writing comes so naturally to me. Because I read and I read some of everything. It's good to know what's out there and who's doing what, so that you don't over do it, or write something that's outdated. This has helped me to figure out what style I want to write in. Right now I'm working on creating each novel differently. I want my readers to know a Stormy Steele novel when they read it, but I don't want it to be the same ole same ole kind of story. I joke about my next novel not having much profanity and cursing yet (emphasizing yet), but actually it may not have much at all. Oh it'll have some sex because it's about married couples--they're supposed to have sex. LOL! But it won't be as vivid as my first book. That's because it's a different kind of story. Different characters call for different attitudes and behavior. But, all of my books will be drama filled! :)


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