Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Saturday, May 14, 2005


Well, I've finished all of my Mother's Day signings for Behind The Screen last week. And I must say, they turned out much better than I expected! I sold out again. This time at Borders! I have to admit, when my signings started back up around the end of April, I wasn't looking forward to them. Except to get rid of inventory so that I can concentrate more on my next novel. Although I should've been glad that after one year, my books are still on bookshelves (of major chain stores) I was a little nervous because I had only done a couple of signings at major bookstores this year in Houston. I didn't do any signings at the major chains last year, because by the time I tried setting them up, most places were either already booked up months in advance, or didn't do signings for new and unknown authors. I found out later that there were tons of other major chain stores I could have set signings up with, but hey I didn't know. So, I had a better plan this year and I'm getting into all the stores I want now. Anyway, I started off in Houston, and I only did very well at one (B. Dalton). The other one was at another Borders and I barely sold what was in their inventory. Which was only a couple of copies (they told me to bring extras since they hadn't ordered). Embarrasing! I was starting to think that people (readers) who visit these kinds of stores are snooty and just aren't interested in newbies like myself. NOT TRUE! I realize now that I just had a bad day that's all. Plus, it does depend on how much you promote and the booksellers too. Some of them can be quite helpful. Others will let you fend for yourself. One thing that Borders does is, they set up chairs for an audience. I was worried that I wouldn't have an audience. But I did! Lots of people sat down and wanted to hear me speak! :) Here, people wanted to hear all about my book, my writing, and everything saying that I inspire them, but them just being there inspired me. And a couple of the booksellers even sat down in the audience. One even bought my book! And you know they can read all of the copies they want for free! :) God I'll never forget that day for as long as I live.

I just finished reading Kimberla Lawson Roby's Too Much of a Good Thing. That girl can write her a$$ off! I think she outdid herself with this one. I can't wait for my copy of The Best Kept Secret to come in. Kim is another inspiration to me because she also started out self-publishing. At the end of her book, she tells why she made the decision to become a writer. Wow! she too had been working in the corporate world for years before the career change. Just as I. I've read at least 5 author's bios who left the corporate world after so many years, and went on to become very successful in the book industry. Such inspirations! I've been reading a lot of books lately. I love James Patterson too. Had to put him on hold though because all that killing was starting to get too gruesome. Kim's book was a nice change. Well, I guess I better get back to writing now. I think I'll get quite a bit done this weekend. I'm feeling a little more motivated now.


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