Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My Second BEA Experience

We've just got back from BEA (Book Expo America). This year was bigger than last year's event! Lots of celebrities like Fantasia, Spike Lee, Blair Underwood, Iman, and others were there. I'm sure it was better because it was in New York, where most of the publishing houses are. Especially the big ones. Someone from Simon & Schuster picked up a copy of my book and read it during the week of BEA! So far she really likes it! That's a great feeling. I also got to meet my agent (in person) and the entire staff at the agency in New York. Such a cool office! Big and artsy. We now have interest in Behind The Screen! From a couple of editors at the big houses! So, we'll see what happens. I'm patient, yet anxious at the same time. It's a good thing I did go back to my 9-5 for now because at least I don't feel pressured to get a book deal to pay the bills. It was difficult readjusting at first--trying to balance work and my writing career. Then, I realized hey, it's going to take some time to get a book deal, then another year or so before my book is released, so all I need to do right now is concentrate on my next book and improving my craft. I've been reading Chicken Soup For The Writer's Soul for inspiration. Something to keep me going. I'm also reading Grown Folks Business by Victoria Christopher Murray for pleasure. I love her! She's a great writer and a fellow supporter. I'll never forget the day that she snatched up a hardcover of Behind The Screen the first time I met her in L.A.

Getting back to my 9-5... God is good! They offered me a permanent position as a Senior Network Technician and I accepted. The money is good, I don't work hard, and we need the medical benefits, so I said yes. My new plan now is keep working my day job, and save up as much money as I can. Even when I get my book deal, I'm going to keep working until I get my second deal. Seriously! I don't care if it's six figures. Call me crazy, but I wanna make sure I do well my first time as a mainstream author and make sure I get another contract. I'm hoping that by the time my next book comes out and I have to go on tour, I'll be able to just use my vacation time and schedule my out of town signings for the weekends. Since I've already got my career underway, I don't think I'll have to flat out quit again, but again... we'll see what happens.


  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger LaEquis said…

    Hey Stormy,
    I'm glad SOMEBODY got to go to the BEA :). Sounds like it was a blast (Blair Underwood-yum!). Congrats on the interest in your book. I will pray that something positive comes out of it. I hear you on going back to the 9-5. Although I've been working part-time since being laid-off, I was dreading going back to full-time, but I know it's going to happen sooner rather than later because I won't be seeing royalties for a while. I've been living without medical or dental benefits & it hasn't been fun, especially when I got sick a couple of months ago. There's a lot to be said for full-time work. Although I worked as an office manager, I don't want to work too hard on my next job so I can have time to write on the side -- though I practically finished both my books during down time & my lunch hours :).

    Here's praying for your next book deal.


    Love, Peace & Soul,
    Amor, Paz y Alma

    Xenia Ruíz
    Author of Choose Me

  • At 7:35 PM, Blogger Humour and last laugh said…

    fine some thing more about books and readers and authors @


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