Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I Can't Believe She Asked Me This!

Okay, for those of you who know me or if you've been reading my blog regularly, you know that I've gone back to working a 9-5 job in addition to writing. Well, some people, those who know nothing about the industry at all or even what a writer does (other than write)think that once you write a book that's it! You've got it made in the shade. So, why work? Especially if your book is in most of the major chain bookstores. Take today for instance. I called to make a dentist appointment; just a routine check up for my kids. When I was writing and traveling full-time promoting my book we had private insurance. Our Dentist wasn't in the network for this company, and they wouldn't cover a dime, so we had to go elsewhere. Those of you who have PPOs, or HMOs know what I'm talking about. Anyway, now that I'm with our former company I'm back with using Cigna insurance. Now, we're able to go back to our old Dentist because they will cover some of it. So, the receptionist and I go over my new policy and everything. She remembers me well and asks "So, you're working a regular JOB now?!" Shocked with emphasis on the word job. I said "yes", then she says "So, you're not writing anymore?" Again I said "yes." Then she says "So what happened to your book?" I could tell by her tone that she thought my book didn't do well, writing wasn't for me, and now I absolutely had to go back to working a regular job like everyone else. Since she sounded so shocked like I'm on the verge of being homeless or something, I politely told her that I'm still promoting my book some, but most copies are sold out. I just finished a literary cruise, etc...I explained to her that I went back because I needed extra money (which was the case in the beginning). I then went on to tell her how my old supervisor called me up to help out temporarily, but it turned into a permanent position. I left out the now I'm addicted to the money, this cushiny job looks good on paper now, and now that I know what I know about the industry I'm planning on working at least until I get my second book deal. Because after all that wasn't any of her business.

It just amazes me though the way people think. I remember running into former co-workers when I took time off from work to promote my book, and they would say silly things like 'So, what do you do all day?' And 'So, do you just write and that's all?' Oh, and here's my favorite 'Your book is in the bookstores now! Wow! You must be really banking huh?' Or, You must be rich, wish I could write a book and leave here, etc... People have no idea. The only reason I left my job after 9 years before was to start my publishing company and get my book out there. I couldn't see how to do that and work for someone else too. Now, mind you this does still take a lot of my time away from my craft, but I'm making it work. For those of you who don't know let me tell you, there are plenty of authors out there who still worked even when they were famous and on bestsellers lists. Some waited until their 3rd book came out before they quit, or their third book deal. I heard of one author who has deals with two different publishing houses, and he still works a full-time job. Rhoshonda Tate Billingsly (sp?) is an Essence bestselling author, with 3 novels out, working on others, and she's an anchor for Fox news! You do what you have to until you feel comfortable enough to let the 9-5 go. And that's all there is to it.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

New Laptop!

I'm excited about my most recent purchase. A new WinBook Notebook! Lord knows I needed one. My old laptop--an IBM Think Pad is so old it doesn't even keep the right time anymore! LOL! And talk about heavy! I only took the thing with me when I knew for a fact I'd have time to write. I held off on dropping over a thousand dollars on a new one for as long as I could. Now, I'm back to carrying my laptop with me just about everywhere I go as I should! It was hard with the old one because it didn't have a card for internet connection. And when I'm writing I'm constantly doing research mainly on the internet. With all of it's other problems (like not staying charged up for more than 30 minutes!) I refused to buy a card. My new Winbook is lightening fast on the internet! It's light too, only 4 pounds. Now, I think I just might get my current novel finished soon.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My Literary Symposium Weekend

Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I've written in my blog!

I signed up late for the Literary Symposium in Dayton, but glad I made it on the Speakers Panel. I didn't sell any books. I sent 15 and didn't sell a one. It was a small event, with not many buyers. And the ones that did buy bought from the authors who conducted seminars. A lot of times that's how it is at these events. If the readers haven't already heard of you, and you're not a presenter, then that equals no sales. That doesn't always happen though. Like in Columbus last year, I wasn't a presenter, but still sold out. Although I was on the speakers panel for the symposium that was the last event and no signings were going on after that. BUT... it's all about exposure when you're just getting out there. I kept that in mind and felt a little better. A lot of people who had already bought the books they wanted before meeting me did at least sign my email list, and seemed eager to check my story out later. I will say all in all I had a great time! I especially loved attorney Avalon Gaston! She gave a lot of legal tips and reminded us what to look out for. The Literary Symposium is a great start for aspiring authors, and even new authors because it's an intimate setting, with experts giving you the real deal about the industry.

Now to the really good part! I left 5 books with the symposium coordinator to sell. They have a website and asked if I'd like to leave some books with them. I took my other 10 with me and on Sunday I went with my sister to church. This is the church I grew up in too. Anyway, my sister had a copy that she was giving to a friend of her's. The pastor asked if he could show the copy to the congregation. He asked me to stand up, and gave me the mic to tell about my book and where it's available to purchase. I felt a little funny doing this in church because I always thought that's not the place to solicit. But everyone wanted a copy!!! I was sooo excited. Only.... we didn't bring those 10 copies with us, because as I said we didn't think church was the place to sell. It was okay though because it was after service. My sister had a list of people for me to autograph copies to. She's going to take them with her next Sunday. Some people asked her to bring their copy to bible study this Wednesday. Now, I'm going to run out. I wish I would have had those other 5 copies! I may have to end up shipping some more copies to my sister. God is really good. See how things work out?