Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Best Book Events

I have to start getting my material ready for my next workshop. It's going to be in Dayton Ohio(in October)on finding a literary agent. Actually, I'm doing two. The other one is getting your book into bookstores, the same one I did in Dallas last month. I must say the Black Writers Reunion and Conference in Dallas was very well put together! Tia did a great job. Now, I would participate in that one again. Some other good ones are The National Book Club Conference held in Atlanta, our former Summit at Sea Cruise (this one is the most fun and first on my list), the Miami BookFair, and the Pen to Paper Literary Symposium which is the one I'm doing in October. I encourage anyone who needs direction on publishing, marketing and promoting to attend as many of these book events as possible. They really help!


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