Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I Can't Believe She Asked Me This!

Okay, for those of you who know me or if you've been reading my blog regularly, you know that I've gone back to working a 9-5 job in addition to writing. Well, some people, those who know nothing about the industry at all or even what a writer does (other than write)think that once you write a book that's it! You've got it made in the shade. So, why work? Especially if your book is in most of the major chain bookstores. Take today for instance. I called to make a dentist appointment; just a routine check up for my kids. When I was writing and traveling full-time promoting my book we had private insurance. Our Dentist wasn't in the network for this company, and they wouldn't cover a dime, so we had to go elsewhere. Those of you who have PPOs, or HMOs know what I'm talking about. Anyway, now that I'm with our former company I'm back with using Cigna insurance. Now, we're able to go back to our old Dentist because they will cover some of it. So, the receptionist and I go over my new policy and everything. She remembers me well and asks "So, you're working a regular JOB now?!" Shocked with emphasis on the word job. I said "yes", then she says "So, you're not writing anymore?" Again I said "yes." Then she says "So what happened to your book?" I could tell by her tone that she thought my book didn't do well, writing wasn't for me, and now I absolutely had to go back to working a regular job like everyone else. Since she sounded so shocked like I'm on the verge of being homeless or something, I politely told her that I'm still promoting my book some, but most copies are sold out. I just finished a literary cruise, etc...I explained to her that I went back because I needed extra money (which was the case in the beginning). I then went on to tell her how my old supervisor called me up to help out temporarily, but it turned into a permanent position. I left out the now I'm addicted to the money, this cushiny job looks good on paper now, and now that I know what I know about the industry I'm planning on working at least until I get my second book deal. Because after all that wasn't any of her business.

It just amazes me though the way people think. I remember running into former co-workers when I took time off from work to promote my book, and they would say silly things like 'So, what do you do all day?' And 'So, do you just write and that's all?' Oh, and here's my favorite 'Your book is in the bookstores now! Wow! You must be really banking huh?' Or, You must be rich, wish I could write a book and leave here, etc... People have no idea. The only reason I left my job after 9 years before was to start my publishing company and get my book out there. I couldn't see how to do that and work for someone else too. Now, mind you this does still take a lot of my time away from my craft, but I'm making it work. For those of you who don't know let me tell you, there are plenty of authors out there who still worked even when they were famous and on bestsellers lists. Some waited until their 3rd book came out before they quit, or their third book deal. I heard of one author who has deals with two different publishing houses, and he still works a full-time job. Rhoshonda Tate Billingsly (sp?) is an Essence bestselling author, with 3 novels out, working on others, and she's an anchor for Fox news! You do what you have to until you feel comfortable enough to let the 9-5 go. And that's all there is to it.


  • At 5:52 AM, Blogger Ms. Pam said…

    You are so right! Look at best-selling author Francis Ray (33 books and counting) she holds a full-time job as a school nurse!!! We all have to do what it takes to pay the bills, I salute you for having the sense to know that. Go Stormy, Go Stormy!!!

  • At 8:35 AM, Blogger Nina Foxx said…

    I need a job, hell.

  • At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well said! Writing isn't always as easy and profitable as people think. Congrats on finding a company that values you! And still gives you time to write.


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