Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

My Second Novel

My agent finally said those magic words I've been waiting to hear. "Let's go on and push the second book!" Or something like that. Now, I do hope that one day we eventually find a home (publisher) to re-release "Behind The Screen" since afterall it's my first baby. No one (at the agency) can seem to understand why it's taking so long. After nearly selling out of my print runs of 3000 copies, the bookstores and libraries still want copies! It's okay, I'm ready to move on now. So, I kept pumping this book up. :) I feel like I've grown a lot in my writing. Plus, I'm so into my second one (Severed Vows is the working title by the way) that's all I wanna concentrate on right now. The Internet is still my topic, but this one is more of a relationship/suspense novel, somewhat of a thriller. I'm having to do so much research! Medical, criminal, diets... yes diets! Whew! Now I have to hit a couple of my buddies up who are in law enforcement so that I know what I'm talking about. LOL! The more I write, the more research I have to do. Those of you who have read "Behind The Screen" will see that I'm very versatile when you read my second novel. It's a killer!


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