Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Starting The Wendy Steele Reality Series

Wow! I just looked at the page views and I'm shocked! I didn't even think people really read this blog anymore. So, guess I better get back to updating it on the regular.

Well, while I've been busy trying to figure out what I wanna be when I grow up (I have many talents), I've been working on my first self-help book. I would tell you all the title, only I keep changing it. It is a part of the Wendy Steele Reality Series that I mentioned before though. This is really hard! This first book is about starting a small business and there are tons of these out there! I'm trying to make mine unique and tell aspiring entrepreneurs what to really expect. However... I don't wanna tell you all what to do and then you try it, say it didn't work for you, it only worked for "me" because yada, yada, I've changed it to just tell my story and how I did it.

I'm also still learning a lot. For the past year I've been learning an awful lot about business growth and expansion. How to handle it, budgeting, new trends in marketing, and I have had to make some of the most critical decisions in my life (business wise). I have had to scale back here, ramp up there, it's crazy! It'll help though in my future writings. So much of what I'm writing about, what I'm learning and everything... I haven't been able to find these things in any business book. I take that back. I mean I haven't been able to find these things in most of the business books I read. I've found a little here and a little there. For example, I found some tips in one book on how to handle slow times. In another I found how to determine which kind of business you want for your life. Such as a lifestyle business. Meaning, do you want to stay small so that you can enjoy life more, or grow really huge and well... not have time to enjoy it as much. I have learned that staying small is not a bad idea, yet if you're going to do it might as well do it big! But... if you do it too big too fast you could go out of business! So, different perspectives and some good advice from different people. I guess it's just all according to what works for you. I'm keeping a steady pace though.

Until next time... CIAO!


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