Stormy's Voice

This blog is all about my writing career. How I got started, where I'm going, and how I'm trying to get there.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

My Antagonist

I have to remember this: Never read a James Patterson novel while working on your own villain. LOL! Now I have to make some changes to mine. He's a thief and a murderer--a black one at that. So, when I read back over his part, I realized he wasn't like most black criminals, therefore he wouldn't be believable. Plus, because mine is an Internet relationship/suspense novel, I have to be very careful. I don't wanna scare people off the Internet. I just want them to be aware of some of the dangers, and just how certain things can really happen. I read somewhere that suspense novels are the easiest kind to write, but this novel is rather a challenge for me. I'm still having fun at the same time. :)

Well... time to go kill somebody off! :)

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Finding Time For God

When I'm touring, I usually attend somebody's church because I believe it's important to worship God and learn as much as you can about the bible. It's important to know how the different scriptures relate to our lives. Unfortunately, we haven't been going much here in town. Because when I'm not touring, I'm working at my 9-5. When I'm not working, I'm sleeping(I still find time for praying though). My daughter works too, and she works on Sundays. Since I've gone back to work, it's been difficult trying to sqeeze my bible studies, and worshiping time in. What used to be a priority, has now taken a back seat. But today we finally found a way for our whole family to get to church more often. This morning we went to the 8:00 AM service. This will work! I feel so good! Although everyone looked like Dang! We have to get up NOW? They showered and dressed quickly, and we made it out the door on time. After service, they too were happy. Well, just like I had to find time to squeeze my writing in again, I think I can find time to squeeze going to church and bible study (or at least one of them) in again. God is good! Too good to let him slip out of our lives.